Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2012 Bookings for Gorilla Trekking Tours

Well time flies when you are having fun and it is time to look ahead to 2012 already! As many of you will have noticed, most of the 2011 gorilla safaris have been booked up way in advance and therefore many tour companies have released 2012 trip dates already! As with all other tours that have a few permits available, gorilla safari trips are booked on first come first served based and therefore if you are interested in travelling during the 2012 season it is advisable to book right now.

Throughout the below you will see a variety of outline itineraries for up and coming trips; if you would like a detailed itinerary and quote, please get in touch and we would be happy to send you through further details by return.

Gorilla Tours are a must for any wildlife enthusiast, so if you are even slightly tempted, just get in touch with a reliable safari company and reall many tour companies will be happy to help you! For last minute availability for some of 2011 trips, you can as well try out your luck!